Ideal Outdoor Living
Traditional and contemporary sunrooms and conservatories will add light, elegance and a spacious look that will blend perfectly with any style home. LifeRoom's fully automated retractable screens are quiet and can be raised or lowered independently of each other to give you total control of the sun, wind and bugs.
All of our conservatory and sunroom designs come in a variety of sizes, roof and frame finishes, door choices and many other features.
Product Options
2” Classic Sun Rooms
The 2” wall provides strength and insulation at a cost significantly below conventional construction.
4” Sun Rooms
4” wall system comes with your choice of energy efficient high performance glass windows and doors. This extra thick dual pane glass restricts heat or cold from entering your room. The walls themselves are insulated with 4 inches of expanded polystyrene, insuring the highest possible R-value protection.
Additional Options and Features
Both the 2” and 4” sun rooms come in white and sandalwood
Other options include a range of window and door sizes, as well as concealed electrical channels.
Four Seasons Sun Rooms
Designed for year-round living, our solarium, patio enclosure and sunroom designs can be customized to fit your lifestyle and will enhance the beauty and value of your home.
All of our conservatory and sunroom designs come in a variety of sizes, roof and frame finishes, door choices and many other features.
Straight Eave Sun rooms
Cathedral Sun rooms
Curved Eave Sun rooms
Four Seasons LifeRooms
Transform your existing patio cover into the revolution in outdoor living and bring the comforts of technology to the forefront with LifeRoom Screens. At the touch of a button, create a bug & allergen-free environment with up to 95% protection from harmful UV rays that you, your family, and friends can enjoy all year round!
LifeRoom’s are fully customizable:
Lighting: Blue LED lighting illuminates each Smooth Glide retractable screen.
Cool Mist Climate System: Reduces the room temperature by up to 40 degrees even in the most humid conditions by dispersing ultra-fine mist droplets that disappear almost immediately by means of "flash evaporation."